The Northern Circuit has the most famous National parks and reserve. The Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater Mount Kilimanjaro, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara Olduvai gorge; not surprising this is the most popular destination for the most visitor’s. The northern circuit has truly spectacular scenery, with dramatic changes in short distances, mostly due to the all encompassing presence if the Great Rift Valley. This is deep fissure in the crust of Africa, which has created lush and crisply cool highlands dry and Hot depressions interspersed with lakes and volcanoes, and vast game – rich grassland such as the Serengeti plains.


Highlights: Amazing scenery of the lake and the great Rift Valley escarpment and algae streaked hot springs offer incredible ecological varied in a small area, rich in wildlife and good numbers of birds: thousands of pink –hued flamingos on their perpetual migration.

Best times to visit June to February 


Highlights: At 5896m (19,340 feet) above sea level, Mount Kilimanjaro is African’s highest Mountain and one of the continent’s magnificent sight’s. It has two peaks, Kibo, and Mawenzi, above the gently rolling hills and plateau of northern Tanzania rises the snowy peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro, its slopes and glaziers shimmering above the rising clouds; It is also the tallest free – standing mountains in the world.

Best times to visit June to February 


Highlights: As a world heritage site is one of the most famous wildlife areas in the world.It is the largest wildlife sanctuary in the world and the site of the most breathtaking “events” in animal’s kingdom – the great migration of wildebeest and Thomson’s gazelle move in pursuit of water and green grass. The famous migrations that people dream to experience, is actually a dynamic process taking full year to complete. There are different “events” that happen during the year and in different location in the park there are two primary “seasons” in Serengeti. Green season and dry season during (November – June) There are short periods of rain usually at night and in the late afternoon. During this time, the wildebeest and Zebras herds leave the northern parts of the Serengeti and travel southern and eastern Serengeti.The wildebeest rut usually beings near the full moon in April and last though the month of May and sometimes June depending when the rut began.

July – October: We recommend significant time in the northern Serengeti to have the opportunity to witness river crossing.

The best times to visit only around


Highlights: A lost world and home to perhaps the highest density of the large mammals in the world, amazing volcanic scenery, Crater is one of the best place to view the rare” Black Rhinoceros and huge old bull elephants.

The best times to visit December – May.


Highlights: It is often referred to as the Baobal Capital of the world it has 1100 square miles in size, is well known for its wild landscape and diverse habitant. The park has over 550 species of birds and has the highest recorded of breeding bird species of any habitant in the world.

Huge herds of elephants
Ellies begin to migrate into Tarengire as early May and June as they follow the long rains especially in the swamps the chance of seeing wild dogs rock python, beisa oryx, lesser kudu and other starkly different vegetation and scenery from the rest of northern Tanzania

The best time to visit June to February


Highlights: The park is a magnificent 3500 square kilometer Mkomazi is in northern Tanzania. Remote and initially inaccessible. The park is a spectacular wilderness with sight, to the northwest is Mount Kilimanjaro Africa’s highest summit. It’s a classic dry country reserve of grey-green nyika bush, 78 species of mammals have been recorded Masai giraffe, oryx, gerenuk, Hartebeest, lesser kudu, and numerous predators including lion Leopard and Cheetah. There over 400 species of birds. The park is not well know and because. It’s not crowds and the animals acting natural.

Best times to visit June to February 

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