The Western Circuit embraces the parks along Lake Tanganyika, the western border of Tanzania with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The vast space in a remote natural location makes the circuit worth a visit. Gombe Stream National Park was made famous by Jane Goodall’s research on its chimpanzee population and subsequent habituation. Mahale Mountains National Park further south, on the shores of the gin-clear waters of Lake Tanganyika, is a more authentic chimpanzee experience and highly recommended. You'll have to go further to find the chimps but you'll get a better idea of how chimps are in the wild than by observing them at feeding pens. Katavi National Park is another 150km towards the south-east of Mahale and probably gets fewer than 500 tourists a year.


Highlights: It offers un – spoilt wildlife in the country located far off the beaten track of western part of Tanzania. Katavi dramatic scenery is as varied as it’s pristine. Huge pods of Hippos, Elephants, enormous herds of buffaloes.

Best times to visit June to October


Highlights: It is set on the shores of the lake Tanganyika with a watershed comprising richly forested. Among the wild animals found here chimpanzees are star attraction. Other primates found in large numbers are the red colobus monkey red-tailed and blue monkey the unspoiled water clear water take the second deepest lake in Tanzania there more than 1000 fish species.

The best time to visit December to January, June to October 

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